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the wedding portrait

play on itch.io

real short, real stupid game made for bitsy jam 74 - the little things

play an incompetent painter and clutter up a perfectly nice wedding portrait with all sorts of early renaissance doodads and impossible objects.

i made this danged thing in a real rush so it’s probably full of bugs. (the online editor did not like this file!)

the ending screen was produced with pixsy the existence of which I am very thankful for. no way was i drawing all those eight-by-eight tiles myself!

the portrait is of course based (and… an improvement???) on the arnolfini portrait by jan van eyck, although i also stole from holbein’s the ambassadors and durer’s melencolia i. maybe we can all pretend this version of the portrait was painted by van eyck’s mysterious brother hubert, who was a time traveling plagiarist.