Kukolic (1990) Scientific name Kukolic (1990) Common name Kukolic (1990) Introduced Kukolic (1990) C—Common R—Regular in small numbers U—Uncommon I—Irregular in occurrence Abundance Kukolic (1990) R—Resident all year around IV—Irregular visitor RV—Regular visitor in months shown Residency Gibbons and Lindenmayer (2002); Goldingjay (2009) Hollow dwelling Goldingjay (2009) Size (cm) DBH (cm) Entrance height (m) Entrance diameter (cm) Hollow depth (cm)
Falco longipennis Australian hobby NO R R -

Falco cenchroides Australian kestrel - C R YES - - - - -
Alisterus scapularis Australian king-parrot - I IV YES - - - - -
Gymnorhina tibicen Australian magpie - C R -

Grallina cyanoleuca Australian magpielark - R R -

Aegotheles cristatus Australian owlet-nightjar - U R YES 23 16-107 1-14 - -
Corvus coronoides Australian raven - C R -

Pogona barbatus Bearded dragon - - - YES

Rattus rattus Black rat YES - - YES

Chrysococcyx osculans Black-eared cuckoo - I IV -

Coracina novahollandiae Black-faced cuckoo-shrike - R RV Sep-Apr -

Unechis spectabilis Black-headed snake - - - -

Elanus notatus Black-shouldered kite - R R -

Turdus merula Blackbird YES R R -

Rhamphotyphlops nigrescens Blind snake - - - -

Morethia boulengeri Boulenger’s skink - - - -

Antechinus stuartii Brown antechinus - - - YES

Falco berigora Brown falcon - C R -

Accipiter fasciatus Brown goshawk - R R -

Lepus capensis Brown hare YES - - -

Coturnix australis Brown quail - I IV -

Acanthiza pusilla Brown thornbill - C R -

Pseudophryne bibroni Brown toadlet - - - -

Climacteris picumnus Brown treecreeper - C R YES - - - - -
Melithreptus brevirostris Brown-headed honeyeater - R R -

Limnodynastes peroni Brown-striped frog - - - -

Cuculus variolosus Brush cuckoo - U RV Nov-Mar -

Acanthiza regulodes Buff-rumped thornbill - C R YES - - - - -
Lialis burtonis Burton’s legless-lizard - - - -

Felis catus Cat YES - - YES

Bos taurus Cattle YES - - -

Chalinolobus morio Chocolate bat - - - YES

Tiliqua scinoides Common bluetongue - - - -

Phaps chalcoptera Common bronzewing - U R -

Trichosurus vulpecula Common brushtail-possum - - - YES

Sminthopsis murina Common dunnart - - - YES

Ranidella signifera Common eastern-froglet - - - -

Pseudocheirus peregrinus Common ringtail-possum - - - YES

Sturnus vulgaris Common starling YES C R YES - - - - -
Vombatus ursinus Common wombat - - - -

Ctenotus taeniolatus Copper-tailed skink - - - -

Falcunculus frontatus Crested shrike-tit - R R -

Platycerus elegans Crimson rosella - C R YES - - - - -
Egernia cunninghami Cunningham’s skink - - - -

Lampropholis delicata Delicate skink - - - -

Emblemata guttata Diamond firetail - U R -

Canis familiaris Dog YES - - -

Eurystomus orientalis Dollar bird - R RV Oct-Mar YES - - - - -
Peophila bichenovii Double-barred finch - R R -

Artamus cyanopterus Dusky woodswallow - R RV Oct-Mar YES - - - - -
Limnodynastes dumerili Eastern banjo-frog - - - -

Pseudonaja textilis Eastern brown-snake - - - -

Macrops giganteus Eastern grey-kangaroo - - - -

Platcerus eximius Eastern rosella - C R YES 30 6-43 1-30 - -
Acanthorynchus tenuirostris Eastern spinebill - U IV -

Eopsaltria australis Eastern yellow robin - R R -

Tachyglossus aculeatus Echidna - - - -

Vulpes vulpes European fox YES - - -

Carduelis carduelis European goldfinch YES C R -

Cecropis ariel Fairy martin - I IV YES - - - - -
Cuculus pyrrhophanus Fan-tailed cuckoo - R R -

Columba livia Feral pigeon YES C R -

Petroica phoenicea Flame robin - C R YES - - - - -
Apus pacificus Fork-tailed swift - U IV -

Lichenostomus fuscus Fuscous honeyeater - I RV Apr-Nov -

Cacatua roseicapilla Galah - C R YES 36 26-102 3-17 6-41 112
Callocephalon fimbriatum Gang-gang cockatoo - C RV Mar-Oct YES - - - - -
Littoria raniformis Golden bell-frog - - - -

Pachycephala pectoralis Golden whistler - C R -

Chalinolobus gouldii Gould’s wattle-bat - - - YES

Nyctophilus timoriensis Greater long-eared-bat - - - YES

Littoria aurea Green and golden bell-frog - - - -

Cracticus torquatus Grey butcherbird - I IV -

Strepera versicolor Grey currawong - U RV Apr-Nov -

Rhipidura fuliginosa Grey fantail - C RV Sep-Jun -

Accipiter novaehollandiae Grey goshawk - I IV -

Colluricincla harmonica Grey shrike-thrush - R R YES - - - - -
Anas gibberifrons Grey teal - I IV YES - - - - -
Pteropus poliocephalus Grey-headed flying-fox - - - -

Menetia greyi Grey’s skink - - - -

Melanodryas cucullata Hooded robin - R R YES - - - - -
Equus caballus Horse YES - - -

Chrysococcyx basalis Horsfield’s bronze-cuckoo - R RV Aug-Feb -

Mus domesticus House mouse YES - - -

Passer domesticus House sparrow YES C R YES - - - - -
Amphibolurus muricatus Jacky lizard - - - -

Microeca leucophaea Jacky winter - U R -

Varanus varius Lace monitor - - - YES

Dacelo novaequineae Laughing kookaburra - C R YES - - - - -
Myiagra rubecula Leaden flycatcher - U RV Oct-Apr -

Delma impar Legless lizard - - - -

Nyctophilus geoffroyi Lesser long-eared-bat - - - YES

Eptesicus pumilus Little brown-bat - - - -

Corvus bennetti Little crow - U RV Dec-Jun -

Hieraaetus morphnoides Little eagle - U IV -

Glossopsitta pusilla Little lorikeet - I IV YES 16 - 2-15 2.7-3.9 >65
Pteropus scapulatus Little red flying-fox - - - -

Chelodina longicollis Long-necked tortoise - - - -

Chenonetta jubata Maned duck - C R YES - - - - -
Phyllodactylus marmoratus Marbled gecko - - - -

Artamus personatus Marked woodswallow - C RV Apr-Oct YES - - - - -
Vanellus miles Masked lapwing - I IV -

Neobatrachus sudelli Meowing frog - - - -

Dicaeum hirundinaceum Mistletoebird - R RV Sep-May -

Phylidonyris novaehollandiae New Holland honeyeater - U R -

Philemon corniculatus Noisy friarbird - C RV Sep-Apr -

Manorina melanocephala Noisy miner - R R -

Pachycephala olivacea Olive whistler - I IV -

Oriolus sagittatus Olive-backed oriole - R R -

Uperolela laevigata Orange-groined toadlet - - - -

Anas superciliosa Pacific black-duck - U R YES - - - - -
Turnix varia Painted button-quail - R R -

Cuculus pallidus Pallid cuckoo - R RV Sep-Feb -

Falco peregrinus Peregrine falcon - U R YES - - - - -
Littoria peroni Peron’s tree-frog - - - YES

Strepera graculina Pied currawong - C RV Apr-Nov -

Aprasta parapulchella Pink-tailed legless-lizard - - - -

Oryctolagus cuniculus Rabbit YES - - -

Merops ornatus Rainbow bee-eater - R RV Sep-Mar -

Anthochaera carunculata Red wattlebird - U R -

Pseudechis porphyriacus Red-bellied black-snake - - - -

Emblemata temporalis Red-browed firetail - U R -

Petroica goodenovii Red-capped robin - U R -

Macropus rufogriseus Red-necked wallaby - - - -

Psephotus haematonotus Red-rumped parrot - R R YES - - - - -
Anthus novaseelandiae Richard’s Pipit - I IV -

Petroica rosea Rose robin - I IV -

Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Rufous songlark - V RV Oct-Mar -

Pachycephala refuventris Rufous whistler - C R -

Halcyon sancta Sacred kingfisher - R RV Oct-Apr YES - - - - -
Petroica multicolor Scarlet robin - R R YES - - - - -
Chrysococcyx lucidus Shining bronze-cuckoo - R RV Oct-Jan -

Zosterops lateralis Silvereye - C R -

Ninox novaeseelandiae Southern boobook - R R YES - - - - -
Sericornis sagittatus Speckled Warbler - U R -

Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Spotted grass-frog - - - -

Lampropholis guichenoti Spotted grass-skink - - - -

Pardalotus punctuatus Spotted pardalote - C R YES(GJ) 9 - 0-15 -- -
Diplodactylus vittacus Stone gecko - - - -

Threskiornis spinicollis Straw-necked ibis - I IV -

Acanthiza lineata Striated thornbill - C R -

Caturnix pectoralis Stubble quail - I IV -

Petaurus breviceps Sugar glider - - - YES

Cacatua galerita Sulphur-crested cockatoo - C R YES 44 130±10 22±0.9 33.8±2 63
Malurus cyaneus Superb fairy-wren - C R -

Wallabia bicolor Swamp wallaby - - - -

Lathamus discolor Swift parrot - I IV YES 24 10-20 6-35 - -
Podargus strigoides Tawny frogmouth - R R -

Hemiergis decresiensis Three-toed skink - - - -

Cecropis nigricans Tree martin - I IV YES - - - - -
Paphoenositta chrysoptera Varied sittella - U R -

Littoria verreauxii Verreaux’s tree-frog - - - -

Macropus robustus Wallaroo - - - -

Sphenomorphus tympanum Water skink - - - -

Aquila audax Wedge-tailed eagle - R R -

Smicrornis brevirostris Weebill - R R -

Hirundo neoxena Welcome swallow - C RV Oct-Apr -

Ranidella parinsignifera Western brown-froglet - - - -

Gerygone fusca Western Gerygone - U RV Oct-Mar -

Sericornis frontalis White-browed scrub wren - U IV -

Artamus superciliosus White-browed woodswallow - I IV YES - - - - -
Lichenostomus leucotis White-eared honeyeater - U RV Mar-Oct -

Ardea novaehollandiae White-faced heron - R R -

Ephthianura albifrons White-fronted chat - I IV -

Melithreptus lunatus White-naped honeyeater - C RV Oct-May -

Lichenostomus penicillatus White-plumed honeyeater - U RV Mar-Sep -

Tadaria australis White-striped bat - - - -

Gerygone olivacea White-throated gerygone - R RV Aug-Apr -

Hirundapus caudacutus White-throated needletail - U RV Nov-Mar -

Climacteris leucophaea White-throated treecreeper - C R YES - - - - -
Corcorax malanorhamphos White-winged chough - R R -

Lalage sueurii White-winged triller - R RV Oct-Feb -

Rhipidura leucophrys Willie wagtail - C R -

Acanthiza nana Yellow thornbill - U R -

Taphazous flaviventris Yellow-bellied sheath-tailed-bat - - - YES

Lichenostomus chrysops Yellow-faced honeyeater - R RV Sep-Apr -

Antechinus flavipes Yellow-footed marsupial-mouse - - - YES

Acanthiza chryssorhoa Yellow-rumped thornbill - C R -

Lichenostomus melanops Yellow-tufted honeyeater - U R -